Autumn weekdays with half board and spa
Packageprice: from 22.000,-HUF/pers./night
Package: Autumn weekdays with half board and spa
Bookable termin: 01.09.2024.– 30.11.2024.
Bookable days: from Sunday to Thursday
Limitations: Except for special periods
Autumn weekends with half board and spa
Packageprice: from 23.000,-HUF/pers./night
Package: Autumn weekends with half board and spa
Bookable termin: 01.09.2024.– 30.11.2024.
Bookable days: from Friday to Sunday
Limitations: Except for special periods
Autumn holiday recreation in Gyopárosfürdő
Packageprice: from 24.000,-HUF/pers./night
Package: Autumn holiday recreation in Gyopárosfürdő
Bookable termin:23.10.2024.– 03.11.2024.
Bookable days: from Friday to Sunday
Limitations: Only in the given period
Nyári üzem Gyopárosfürdő
Élményfürdő: hamarosan újra nyithat